According to a recent study ONLY 7% of the US population is metabolically healthy.*

That’s 1 in 14 people. That means 93% of us have some type of metabolic health issue.

If you are reading this, there’s a high likelihood you are in the majority.

At Restore Health we can help you with…

  • Difficult weight loss

  • Obesity

  • Pre-diabetes

  • Metabolic Syndrome

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • Elevated Triglycerides

  • Cholesterol Imbalances

  • Hypertension

  • Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver

How to get started today

Choose your starting point…

“Sneak Peak” Metabolic Health Assessment

Who is this for?

The person who wants a free, quick snapshot into their health & lifestyle with a short questionnaire.

What you get:

A personalized video from me with tips on how you can start restoring your health!

Extended Metabolic Health Assessment

Who is this for?

The person who wants to find out their current metabolic health state and what areas of their health need to be addressed.

What you get:

  • Health history intake and assessment
  • List of recommended bloodwork to test
  • Evaluation of recommended bloodwork - Learn more than just "your bloodwork is normal"
  • Assessment of your cellular health and potential imbalances
  • Assessment of your current nutrient intake
  • One, 60 minute 1:1 virtual meeting to review your current metabolic health
  • *Cost of laboratory bloodwork is not included

Metabolic Health Optimization
Cost Varies

Who is this for?

The person who is ready to work 1:1 to start restoring  their health. 

What you get:

There are several options available to you depending on your current health status. Contact me for a free 15 minute discovery call to learn more about how I can help you with your health concerns and goals. 

No commitment required.

Functional Nutrition

Does it really matter what I eat as long as I don’t eat too many calories?

Food is information to our bodies. Depending on what food goes in, your body is given information that instructs various hormones to carry out certain biochemical processes. The information that 100 calories of popcorn tells your body is different from 100 calories of grilled chicken. 

"Let food be thy medicine." -Hippocrates

Your body requires many essential nutrients to function daily. Health conditions can arise when biochemical processes are not able to run properly because it doesn't have the proper nutrients and environment to thrive. Functional nutrition looks at where you may have potential imbalances and addresses them through nutrition to ensure optimal function. We don’t want to just survive, we want to THRIVE! 
How do we do this? Through multiple assessments including:
  • Your current diet
  • Your current lifestyle
  • Your health history
  • Your bloodwork
  • Your cellular health
  • Symptoms you are currently experiencing
It's important to focus on your entire "self", not just one aspect of your health. After evaluating these parameters, we can begin to map out where function may need to be restored. 

What is functional medicine?

Functional nutrition is rooted in functional medicine which is a systems based, science backed, approach to health. It looks at the root cause of illness and evaluates individuals based on a whole person approach. Conventional medicine tends to only look at one aspect of your body. When you see the cardiologist, they only focus on the heart. When you see an endocrinologist, they only focus on the endocrine organs like the pancreas or thyroid. When you look at your health through the lens of functional medicine, you evaluate the whole person. The body is an intricate web of complexity. You can’t pull on one end of the web and expect it not to impact other parts. The same applies to your body. If one system is affected like your endocrine, it is going to affect other parts of your health.  The goal of functional medicine is to help your body get back to how it is suppose to function. To determine what imbalances are occurring so that you can get back into balance and find restoration.

There is no “one size fits all” approach. We will find the solutions that work best for your specific needs!

Health Coaching

Health coaching is the bridge that takes you from wanting something to actually achieving it.

Do you ever feel like you know what you need to do to get healthy but can't seem to actually do it? You're not alone. We are all familiar with what a coach is. They run our kid's baseball team, they teach us how to get better at a skill, or maybe we have even used one in our career field. A coach gets you to where you want to be. A health coach is no different. My goal is to get you to where you want to go with your health. We all need accountability and someone to walk by our side to achieve our goals. It is no different with our health. In fact, of all the areas of your life, isn't your health worth achieving?

Have you ever felt like you could make healthy changes for awhile but couldn’t sustain them?

If it was only about eating the right things and exercising, we would all have it together. But good health is so much more. Then if you add the stressors that life throws at you, it’s no wonder we have trouble sustaining healthy changes. My goal is to help you develop the tools you need to build a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy and that you can sustain. Not because you willpower through it but because you thrive in it. Many of us fail to sustain one because we do not have the strategies in place to navigate life’s obstacles. Together, we will build these strategies piece by piece so that you can carry your healthy changes throughout your life as you continue evolving into a better version of you.

Together, we will build strategies piece by piece to create the best, happiest and healthiest version of you.