Stay inspired.

Hear directly from Jane.

In this podcast, Jane Oswari is interviewed by life coach, Brett Michener to discuss nutrition coaching and the common pitfalls in the American diet. What is happening on the inside? How are we short circuiting our own health?

It’s time to write your story of inspiration.

“ I looked in the mirror at a postmenopausal, pre-diabetic, obese woman with joint pain and high blood pressure. How did I let my health get to this point? And as a master’s prepared nurse, why can’t I figure out how to lose weight and regain my health?
I had been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for 20 years. I followed the “eat less-move more” advice from my family physician and lost 20 lbs.-but it took a year and then my weight loss stalled. Then I tried a behavioral weight loss program and lost another 20 lbs.—but it took 9 months and then my weight loss stalled again. As I searched online for help, I found Jane Oswari listed as a health coach on the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners website. I had a negative experience when I participated in general health coaching previously but decided to give it another shot.
After our first session, I knew I had found the right professional to help me reach my goals. Jane brings her personal experience, clear explanations, and expertise to each coaching session. Her communication style made me feel comfortable discussing my health and nutritional challenges. She has a wonderful sense of humor, a positive spirit, and just the right balance of warmth, patience, and firmness for an effective coaching relationship. Jane was always punctual and prepared for our sessions. What made the difference is she helped me identify the source of the problem rather than suggesting a treatment for the symptom. And her approach is completely INDIVIDUALIZED.
At the very first meeting we set short term goals and I started losing weight THE NEXT DAY. In the 6 months that I worked with Jane, I was able to get my HbA1C down to 5.1 and all of my other metabolic markers improved. My joint pain is gone and I am no longer prediabetic. As an added victory, I lost another 27 lbs. and am now wearing the same size clothing I wore in high school. Because of Jane, I am metabolically healthy for the first time in over 20 years. I now have the individualized knowledge and tools to maintain my health going forward.
What a fantastic experience!! I would not change a thing and I highly recommend Jane Oswari to anyone looking to optimize their metabolic health. Jane, I can’t thank you enough for helping me to regain my health." - Deirdre

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